Who are you really, I mean who are you really?

Are you the person you want to be, the one you are becoming or a shadow in between. If all things hold true scientifically you can only be in one state of existence at a time. So, like the water you will be liquid and then solid and then evaporate. This is what humanity seems to go through becoming something great only to evaporate or leave a small ripple in time. Today I saw a prophetic picture or parable so to speak, In this is the picture that I saw, people were running along carelessly enjoying life. There were hundreds of people running through the forest on their way to some activity when they were tripped by a branch and fell into a very deep pit. It so happened that one of the people in the crowd decided to fall behind. This person had always been different; they were able to avoid the pit and let down the rope to rescue hundreds. What a great ending to an almost tragic story, but if this individual had gone against his or her instinct and conformed to the crowd, they wouldn’t have been far enough or advanced enough to see the pit and save the crowd. Sometimes when we’re running with the crowd, we lose our instinct. Our instinct leads us to perform in our dynamic god-like greatness. Have you found yourself at times, not just running behind about forging ahead? During those moments of rescuing others, you seem like a hero, like a god to them. Inside, we know we are merely just pre-destined to be at that moment in time. We usually are struggling not with our weakness but our greatness.
Like most of us I have grappled with the ideas and the delusions of my potential and seem to run like a Jonah from my potential. Greatness requires us to be different. Being different can cause our inner fears to surface, performance anxiety, accusation, pain, and even cause isolation. However, being different is a path to greatness. For if you only see what others see, and do what others do, and live like others then how can you save a generation. Again, I want to ask you the question who are you really? Are you becoming great or are you already living your potential? If you’re already in your potential and live from that greatness daily, then one day opportunity will overtake you. What I’m saying is you must prepare every day in your greatness. We must not continue to prepare or practice our failure. If you practice failure, you were surely fail. But if you practice greatness then you will surely be great.
