Spiritual Authority
Course Description: - This course teaches the basics of spiritual authority delegated by Jesus to His Church for engaging in warfare, leadership, and to operate in God’s divine plans on earth.
Course Objectives:
Learn basics of spiritual authority. Learn concepts of binding, loosing, forbidding evil spirits and how to release a blessing. Learn about angelic hosts, angelic assistance during warfare, taking God’s dominion, the Christians sphere of influence, territorial authority. Learn how to subdue the enemy and take captives from the enemy as Jesus demonstrated while on earth.
Learn God’s spiritual hierarchy of fivefold minister’s according to Jesus teachings. Learn valuable keys to on how to govern, what to govern, and the consequences of failure to govern.
Learn and understand the real meaning of: authority; power; legal rights; and what Jesus accomplished at the cross to disarm spiritual powers. Know what we have delegated power to do, and spiritual foundations to ensure successful ministration.
Learn ministry tools and techniques (students will learn effective ways to minister using delegated spiritual authority. Learn God’s plan for authority as leaders; especially for Pastors, Apostles, Prophets, and your God given spiritual legal authority to take dominion on the earth.

Healing & Deliverance
Course Description: - This course teaches the basics of spiritual authority delegated by Jesus to His Church for engaging in warfare, healing and deliverance and kingdom assignments within the church and beyond.
Course Objectives:
Learn simple ways to minister healing & deliverance. Learn how to step out in faith and work with the Holy Spirit while ministering to others.
Biblical principles of healing and deliverance for self, church and world at large. (Learn parameters that are biblical safety nets for administration).
Learn deliverance tools and techniques (students will learn effective ways to minister using prophetic insights and revelations)
Learn different types of manifestations of demons and oppression and root causes. How to maintain your own deliverance, administer self-deliverance and handle God’s delegated authority during ministration.

Prophetic Team Ministry
Instructor Ann Ridgle
This course teaches practical and effective evangelism techniques using biblical examples of the life of the disciples. Learn how to expand your prophetic ministry through challenging prophetic exercises in a safe training environment. Learn to listen to the prophetic whisper and have dramatic evangelism exchanges with the world at large, will leave you forever changed.
Course Objectives
You will learn how to effectively win the lost and restore your fellow brother from the enemies’ plans, walk in dominion and take the land for the Kingdom of God.
Students will learn to discern and trust the voice of the Lord in leading them to display God’s love and character in a way that allows for the supernatural power God to flow through you to others.
Learn to minister through words of knowledge, words of wisdom and edification that leads to salvation, repentance and draw men into a closer relationship with the Father. This class will involve practical lessons and assignments.
Learn how to operate in the deeper waters of ministry.
Note this course is a part of a three part series "Prophetic Evangelism". The second and third succession courses teach advanced ministry techniques of church ministry, global prophetic evangelism, working on mission teams, ministry to other ministers and an opportunity for evangelism with a team of ministers.
In order to lead, we must first cultivate and harness the attitude of Discipleship, Accountability and Honesty.
Course Objectives
Seeking after the Lord for a deeper, intimate relationship with Him and not for the blessings he bestows. It is a state that makes you hunger and thirst for more of Him and yet seeking more and more. You are processed daily to be like him from glory to glory, never stopping until you see Him in the ultimate glory of the hereafter - Matthew 5:6; Philippians 3:7-14.
A covenant relationship with God rather than a casual one so that He can commission you to represent Him as His ambassador by the real anointing of the Holy Spirit that produces a transformed character and empowered witness - Acts 1:8.
Dying to self so that Christ may occupy the throne of your heart; this requires switching loyalty from yourself to Christ. In effect, it is an invitation to lose your self life at the cross and take up His own life instead as the core of your being - Matthew 16:24–26;
Galatians 2:20.

Apostolic Discipleship
Course Description
This course is a must to all in the body of Christ. Modern-day Apostles are on the forefront of ministry. These misunderstood, mislabeled and foundation ministry must be explored, and expounded upon for clarity, relevance and understanding.
Course Objectives
Learn to operate in the apostolic mandate and commission from Christ teachings.
Learn and understand the real meaning of apostolic authority; power, legal rights, greater works and world evangelism.
Learn the stages of spiritual maturation of discipleship. Learn ways to grow into a five-fold ministry leader and avoid common pitfalls along the journey.
Learn ministry tools and techniques (students will learn effective ways to minister using apostolic methods and spiritual authority. Learn God’s plan for community impact and church planting as leaders; especially for Pastors, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Teachers working in apostolic teams.
Spiritual Warfare Basics
This course presents fresh insights to the issue of Prayer and Spiritual Warfare. This is one element of your ministry that must be understood and mastered. We therefore, find it necessary to present a biblical understanding of this vital ministry.
Course Objectives:
·How can prayer be used during spiritual warfare?
· What are the linkages between prayer and the will of God?
· True intercession - the birthing of the will of God or partnering with God to bring to pass his counsel?
· What is true spiritual warfare? How to war lawfully, use spiritual tools and gifting for effective warfare.
Basics of enemies organization, territories, rulers, and rankings.
· How do we distinguish between spiritual, soulish and devilish operations?
· What are doctrines of devils (demons) in the ministry of prayer and spiritual warfare?
-No Required Books for this course- online books will be used.