By Annie Ridgle

I am up writing again and this time I've been shaken out of my sleep. It usually happens when God is up to something and stirring my spirit. However this time He began to confront a spirit that was all to familiar with me. This spirit has lingered in the recess of my heart for as long as I can remember. I am trying to trace its origin and simply cannot remember that's how far it goes back. This spirit is familiar with me, my family, behaviors and patterns. It was following me to destroy my destiny, the funny thing is its only hold was my agreement with it. So fighting this spirit had to be confronted with a heavy dose of truth; and truth demands a response. So for years, I could not find a truth to combat this constant nagging. I would begin projects and feel excited at the beginning only to see them fizzle out in failure. Jesus actually told a parable about people like me, the seed that feel on rocky ground. Like this type of ground, I started with excitement and then when offense happens because of the word, I would fall away. Yes, my friends it was all very offensive to pursue your dreams. Someone will always disagree, disappoint me or dissuade you from your focus. The prophetic word became offensive in my psyche, my soul wrestled with its notions of greatness and moving beyond my limitations. I had to respond, I must be delivered, yet I could not yet find freedom.
Awakened from a sleep state I heard the words remove all doubt, hit my belly, only this time it was not me, it was the Holy Spirit. Again and again the words were like sandbags thrown down upon me, remove all doubt and move forward. You must bear much fruit. I was suddenly jolted out of my sleep and I felt one spirit leave and another powerful grace put into me. Here I am, moments later writing this, so you too can have this revelation from God.
Do you have a familiar spirit that haunts you? Could it be doubt, fear, intimidation, betrayal or sabotage. Lets pray now and get deliverance. Its time to SHIFT in 2021.
Heavenly Father, I ask NOW for HELP and DELIVERANCE. I am in desperate need of your TRUTH to make me free. Please reveal to me a scripture, prophecy or rhema word to remind me of what you have spoken over me. WHO am I REALLY, GOD. I keep seeming to forget the royal priesthood, the chosen generation, the prophet, the anointing, the son-ship. Jesus I know, that you have overcome all this through your son-ship with the Father, May I experience the love you have for the Father and His love towards me.
I renounce every familiar spirit that is captivating my mind and invading my heart- NOW IN JESUS NAME. I come out of agreement with fear, rebellion and pride. I loose my self from the shame or condemnation and I agree that I am hidden in Christ Jesus. This deliverance is by faith. So,
Father I choose to believe your word that there shall be deliverance according to Obadiah 1:17. Therefore I rejoice in the spirit and thank you in advance, nothing has to happen for me to know its done, besides my faith has made me whole. It is done.
If you have prayed this prayer and would like agreement and prophetic confirmation meet us at Shift 2021 during our Saturday Prophecy Break out session with Prophet P. Williams.
SHIFT 2021 Oct 23-24, 2021 virtual and in person conference.