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Milesman™ Laser Hair Removal Client Instruction Form

                                                             Pre- Treatment Instructions:

  1.  Do not use artificial tanners 14 days prior to your laser appointment and throughout the course of your laser treatment

  2. Avoid plucking, threading, waxing, chemical depilatories and electrolysis in or around the treatment area(s) for 30 days prior to each laser appointment.  Continue to shave normally between sessions

  3. Avoid bleaching and exfoliating (includes body & facial scrubs) in or around the treatment area(s) for 14 days prior to each laser appointment

  4. Avoid products containing glycolic acids, salicylic acids, topical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide for 5 days prior to each laser appointment

    1. Do not use Retin A or Renova for 2 weeks prior to each laser appointment

    2. Do not use Accutane for 6 months prior to your 1st laser appointment and throughout the course of your laser treatment

                c.    Avoid chemical peels, Botox and injectables for 3 weeks prior to each laser appointment

If you experience cold sores or any form of the herpes virus, you may request antiviral therapy from your primary care physician to be used prior to each laser appointment and for 1 week post-treatment, to avoid potential outbreaks. 

For your safety, avoid other  laser, LED, IPL or AFT procedures on the same treatment area for 4-6 weeks prior to your 1st laser appointment and throughout the course of your laser treatment

Appointment Day Instructions:

  1. Arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment

  2. Arrive with CLEAN, DRY & FRESHLY SHAVED skin!

    1.  Do not wear deodorant when treating the underarm area (clear, solid or spray)makeup, moisturizers, lotions,  sunscreens or acne treatment products. Do not exfoliate your skin on treatment day. Do not clean your skin with oil-based cleansers on treatment day.

    2. Laser Operator must have full access to the treatment area(s)   Always wear light colors when treating close to the body – that includes undergarments!   

    3.   Undergarments must be removed for Full/French Bikini treatment; however they may be kept in place for Bikini Line only sessions.  Brazilian involves the removal of hair on the sides, full top, outer labia and back-side (perianal) – all clients who are not freshly shaved will be rescheduled and a $50 rescheduling fee will apply!


Post-Treatment Instructions:

  1. Avoid  sun exposure, sunburns and tanning (indoors or out) during your treatment sessions and for 4 weeks after your final laser treatment to allow the skin to heal thoroughly and to reduce the potential for acquired pigmentation issues as well as blistering

    1. Refrain from using artificial tanners during your treatment sessions and for 14 days following your final laser session (may obstruct results or mask potential issues)

  2. Depending upon your general skin sensitivity, photo-sensitivity or sun habits history, post-treatment there may be some edema (swelling) or erythema (redness) at the treatment site.  The treated area may mimic the effects of sunburn for several hours post-treatment.  This is not unusual and typically subsides within 48 hours for most individuals.  If you have any discomfort, an application of aloe vera gel is typically effective.  The use of anti-inflammatory medications is approved.

    1. If redness or discomfort persists, do not hesitate to contact the  or Euro Med Spa your trusted primary care physician. 

  3. A full spectrum sunblock with a minimum SPF 40 daily is required on all exposed treatment areas for 4 weeks following each laser treatment                                                                                     

  4. Refrain from chemical depilatories, electrolysis, skin bleaching, waxing, tweezing, threading, exfoliating (including facial/body scrubs) or plucking in or around the treatment area(s), as well as products containing glycolic acids, salicylic acids, topical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide for 14 days post-treatment. Continue to shave normally

    1. Do not use Retin A or Renova during your laser treatment sessions and for 4 weeks following your final treatment session

    2. Refrain from using Accutane during your laser treatment sessions and consult your primary care physician before continuing your Accutane regimen

  5. Refrain from chemical peels, Botox and injectables for 3 weeks post-treatment (treatment site)

  6. Avoid other (non- Euro Med Spa) laser, LED, IPL or AFT procedures for 4-6 weeks after your final laser appointment

  7. TREATMENT CYCLES -Facial areas should be treated every 4-6 weeks

                                      Underarms & Bikini areas should be treated every

                                      Arms, Legs & Body should be treated every


                           Now located at 5416 Tidewater Drive, Norfolk, VA - We schedule by appointment only! 

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