Euro Med Spa
5416 Tidewater Drive
"Bonney Building"
Norfolk VA 23509
Spa Hours: Tues-Friday 10-6pm
Sat 10am-4pm Closed Sunday
We schedule by Appointment Only
Laser Hair Removal

Hair Removal
Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ combines cutting-edge medical laser technology with the comfort and convenience of a trip to the med spa. The breakthrough, revolutionary technology has been described as one of the most comfortable hair removal options available.
Laser Hair removal is the #1 non-invasive aesthetics treatment available today.
The Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ Laser Hair Removal treatment, offered by the best medical spas and providers around the world can now liberate you from daily shaving and tedious plucking. With Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ you can forget about expensive waxing, too.
How It Works
During a laser hair removal treatment, light passes through the skin and is absorbed by the melanin in the hair shaft. This absorption raises the temperature of the hair follicle and thermally destroys the cells responsible for regrowth. The attributes of the light (wavelength, pulse duration and power) are chosen to ensure damage to these cells and not to the rest of the skin.
Comfortable treatment with little to no irritation
• Effective permanent reduction of hair
• Minimal risk of side effects
Our Diode 810nm Laser
Uses 810-nm diode laser technology, the gold standard in laser hair removal since its introduction in 1998.
What People Have to Say
We say a lot about hair removal lasers and laser hair removal. As regular readers know, we’re obsessed with both. It’s always best, however, to hear from the professional who use our hair removal lasers day in and day out. Therefore we’re happy to present a guest post from Beauty Blogger Maureen Hayden. Here’s what Maureen had to say about laser hair removal and the Pain-Free, Hair-Free laser hair removal treatment from Alma Lasers:
“Well, what can I say about this Soprano hair removal laser. A lot – it’s been fantastic. Speaking from my own personal experience on both sides of the laser it’s just been brilliant. I have raved about this machine in particular on my blog for a while now and I would say the Soprano has been the best laser hair removal machine I have used.
Now I do tend to get carried away when talking …
“As I got older I grew more hair and spent more and more time shaving and waxing, sometimes twice a day. The Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatment changed everything and now I can go about my days like a normal person. Pain-Free, Hair-Free changed my life.”
Tina, Charlotte, NC
“After menopause I noticed that I had more facial hair. It was on my chin and my upper lip. The terrible hairs were so thick I used my husband’s razor to get rid of them. Nothing else helped. After my Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatment my hair is gone and I feel so much better about my appearance.” Catherine S, Los Angeles, CA
“I started having problems with body hair while in junior high school. I tried everything from depilatory creams, waxing, electrolysis and other lasers. My Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatment was the only the only thing that worked. It gave me the smooth, hair free look I dreamed about for so many years. It’s changed my life.”
Todd S, West Hollywood, CA
You will receive a full consultation with a fully trained therapist who will assess your suitability for the treatment and answer any questions you may have.
Your therapist will advise you on the best course of treatment; this will depend on your skin type, the area to be treated and the colour of your hair. After your consultation your therapist will perform a test patch on your skin before progressing with the treatment.
The Treatment
The hair in the treatment area will be trimmed and a cooling gel applied to ensure that the light energy is used to achieve the best results. Immediately after the treatment your skin may appear a little more pink than usual, but this will fade quickly. The hairs treated will fall out naturally over a period of one to three weeks, leaving your skin feeling silky smooth.
A course of treatments will be necessary to achieve optimal results due to the natural hair growth cycles
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I shave before the treatment?
Shaving the day before or just prior to treatment is recommended and you may shave again twenty-four hours after treatment unless your provider tells you otherwise.
Is it safe?
Laser hair removal is the most popular aesthetic procedure performed annually. Hair removal is one of the aesthetic medical industry’s most well-known and researched uses of lasers and the Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatment has provided safe and effective permanent hair reduction for thousands of patients worldwide. Because Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ utilizes our IN-MOTION™ and low-heat settings we’re able to provide a level of safety unlike any other laser hair removal procedure.
How many treatments will I need?
Typically, 5 to 6 treatments is adequate to provide permanent hair reduction. However, after a one-on-one consultation, your provider may determine that based on the density of your hair, hair color and skin color, you may require additional treatment. Your provider will advise you. It’s not unusual to require a touch-up treatment two years after completing laser hair removal treatments.
Will my hair ever grow back?
Actively growing hairs that are treated should not grow back. Once a hair follicle is damaged it cannot grow hair. However, hair follicles that were not in the active growth phase will need to be treated. It’s also not unusual for patients to have a touch-up two years after initial treatment due to hormonal changes.
Why do I need 4 – 6 treatments?
Hair growth occurs in 4 stages: Early Anagen (early hair growth), Anagen (active hair growth) Catagen (regression) Telogen (resting, not growing) Laser hair removal only affects the Anagen stage, (actively growing hair). Therefore, approximately twenty-five-percent of hair is removed with each treatment. After 4 to 6 treatments, the area should be free from hair.
Do I need to arrange time off from work for treatments?
No. Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ has no “down time” and requires no recovery time. You can have a Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatment and return to work, school or other normal activities immediately.
How do I know it really won’t hurt?
Most people find the Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ laser hair removal treatment comfortable, especially when compared to other hair removal methods and lasers. This is one of few laser hair removal procedures where numbing cream is not necessary. Pain is subjective, however, so if you find it otherwise simply talk to your provider.
How much does laser hair removal cost?
The cost of Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatments vary by location and body part. However, compared to a life time of waxing Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ laser hair removal creates a significant savings that can save money year after year. Speak with a provider to determine the cost in your area.
Pre Treatment Information:
Some medical conditions are not absolutely contraindicated, but must be approached with caution. These conditions especially require the knowledge and experience of a trained physician because there is not an absolute answer on whether or not it is safe to treat. For example, patients with psoriasis, vitiligo, history of keloids, bleeding disorders, and history of severe histamine reactions must be thoroughly evaluated before a decision can be made. Even some medications are contraindicated, but some are dependent on the dose and time the last dose was taken. Some common medications that may cause controversy and require the evaluation of an experience physician include certain antibiotics (especially those of the tetracycline and sulfa classes), common over-the-counter analgesics (such as ibuprofen), and also steroids. There are many medications that cause increased photosensitivity, but they are not all absolutely contraindicated in laser hair removal.
Medical conditions and medications that are absolutely contraindicated should be easy guidelines to follow, but reports of inexperienced operators treating people with these conditions still continue. Laser hair removal is contraindicated over skin that is not intact or infectious. This includes surgical procedures. Waiting periods are even needed for skin that has undergone chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and even sunburns. Laser hair removal over tattoos in contraindicated. The most common medication that is absolutely contraindicated is Accutane, an oral acne medication. At least 6 months is needed before laser hair removal can be performed. Some topical acne medications may also cause photosensitivity, but waiting periods vary for each and require the experience and knowledge of a trained physician.
Consumers seeking laser hair removal should let the operator know about all of their medications and medical conditions. Consumers should also seek an experienced and knowledgeable physician who will be able to use this information and use proper judgment to assess each situation individually.