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host a free workshop in your city!  find out how-book ann



Forgiveness Cycle, Grace Workshop, Inner Healing, and Un-Masking Cain- These workshops usually last 2 hours and offer a great training and ministry environment for local assemblies and churches.  Books are provided and may be purchased for a cost during event.


Gatekeepers University Training- Training can also be provided for free upon request. Donations are Accepted. Host pays Ann’s travel expenses along with admin assistant as needed. 


Apostolic & Prophetic Events or Ministry also available- Apostolic fathers lay foundations, rather than lording a title or office over a spiritual son, they get under them to push them to a higher dimension for your Success for the Kingdoms Glory and Honor.


Spiritual Boot Camp/Healing & Deliverance Sessions for leadership -30 Day Workshops meet weekly via in person or online.  Also past workshops are available online for a nominal fee via Ann’s website. 


Mentoring -Is God Calling you to a great mandate, look no further, need direction, encouragement, accountability, impartation and need it now.  Sign-up is free, but it will cost your commitment to God and the call.  This process can last months to years, depending on your availability.  Come Grow with us.  Distance is not a factor, since mentoring can happen remotely via phone/video/ or travel to monthly conferences for activation and impartation. 


2017-2018 are strategic years; we must be in position for God’s impartation of spiritual activation and power.  We may believe we are dealing with critical things and pivotal mountain experiences in our spiritual lives, however we may be only scratching the surface.  Prophet Annie believes that the calling and making of fivefold leaders is so critical, its life defining and necessary in the body of Christ RIGHT NOW.  Join the end time army of the Lord of sanctification, preparation, and activation of the Bride as in Joel 2.



3311 Shell Road Hampton, VA 23661

Headquarters Office  Annie Ridgle Ministry for Ministry Info

Phone. 757-922-4088  Email -

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Annie Ridgle, Prophet Annie Ridgle, Apostle Annie Ridgle, Pastor Annie Ridgle, Seat of Grace, Prophetic Activation journal, prophet Hampton, prophet, ministry, pastor, training, supernatural, warfare, free deliverance, mentor annie ridgle, Hampton pastors, h church, prophetic church, prophetess annie ridgle, deliverance ministry, prophetic insight TV Show, Propheecy free, apostolic church, apostolic network, ministry Virginia, Prophet Virginia, Prophetic Church FL, church GA, atlanta, Church, newyork church, apostolic church virgnina,  international prophet, international missions, prophet annie ridgle, apostle virginia,

© 2018 by Digital Express. Annie Ridgle Ministry prophecy, prophetic, prophetess Atlanta Prophets, Talk Show, Media, Blog, Prophecy Ministry, famous Prophets, Hampton, NYC Prophetic, Free prophecy, Apostolic Coach, Apostolic Church, Apostolic mentor, apostolic training, school of apostles, apostle annie ridgle, prophet annie ridgle, tv show annie ridgle, annie ridgle, ann ridgle, California prophetic, bill hamon prophecy, 2017, author annie ridgle, book annie ridgle, church of god of prophecy, pastor annie ridgle, prophetic ministry Virginia beach, Newport news church, prophetess, school of spirit, ministry training, prophetic classes, ministry diploma, schhol of apostles, school of prophets, free mentor, free ministry, jesus, love, faith, hope, africa

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