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Apostolic World Network Partnerships


Thank You, for showing interest in Apostolic World Network Partnership Programs.  2020-24 are very strategic years; we must be in position for God’s impartation of spiritual activation and power.  We may believe we are dealing with critical things and pivotal mountain experiences in our spiritual lives; however, we may be only scratching the surface.  Apostle Annie believes that the calling and making of five-fold leaders is so critical, its life defining and necessary in the body of Christ RIGHT NOW.  


4-ways To Partner with A.W.N Network
  • Champion Partners

  • Network Alliance Ministers

  • Covenant Churches/Ministries

  • Gatekeepers University Students


We are a dynamic organization of global five-fold ministries that want to do something meaningful for the kingdom of God.  Become an AWN partner at a basic level for only thirty dollars or more monthly as a Champion Partner.  Secondly, licensed ministers can get deeply connected as a Network Ministers Alliance Partner.  Thirdly, we offer Covenant Ministries/Churches were we support and offer leadership training and apostolic spiritual insight.  Lastly, train with us via our online or local University- Gatekeepers International or sign-up as a Prophetic Men-tee with Apostle Ann.   

If this sounds like you, then take this opportunity to do something great, become a partner today with Apostle Annie in advancing the Gospel throughout the nations.  Together we can make a difference.  There are several ways to get activated in the great commission right now via our Apostolic World Network.   



GATHER - Calling all Remnant Saints.  Our Commission + your Purpose= Kingdom

EQUIP- Build our character via ministry training (9 Month Diploma Programs)

DEPLOY- Sending out Ministers, Church Plants, Training Centers and Apostolic Teams



  • GATEKEEPERS UNIVERSITY- DIPLOMA/TRAINING/MENTORING -  Take advantage of online and local programs at discounted rates!  Ministry programs include apostolic and prophetic, general ministry pastor and hands on training courses and workshops.  These full diploma programs include courses such as: ministry etiquette, foundations of truth, Apostolic Discipleship, Prophetic Evangelism, Healing and Deliverance, Leadership, Public Speaking and many more.  Courses are ongoing via our website and locally offered with excellent qualified and experienced instructors.  Train with the best and get the spiritual hands on equipping not offered in most Christian colleges around the world.

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  • PROPHETIC EVANGELISM OUTREACH - the Great Commission is the  AWN central focus. Jesus said, “Go ye into the entire world and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).  In addition, make disciples of all men.  In addition, Teach the Kingdom of God is at hand, Repent.  Through international crusades, we see thousands of people give their lives to Jesus.  Partners receive many opportunities to join in the harvest.

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  • APOSTOLIC TEAMS: GOING TO THE NATIONS -- AWN Network Ministers and Partners have opportunities to join AWN on Invasion Teams assembled to reach the nations with the Gospel.  AWN teams have education centers currently in Nairobi Kenya and soon to be in Caribbean, India and local USA cities. Free training is also available for those interested in reaching the nations with the gospel of Jesus.  

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  • ​DISCIPLESHIP AND LEADERSHIP TRAINING –EQUIPPING PEOPLE -- One key tactic of the AWN is building apostolic teams and training centers globally and a leadership infrastructure in developing nations.  AWN works with a team that trains hundreds of leaders each year through various workshops and strategic round tables.

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  • PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTING TEACHING MANUALS -- Preaching is not enough.  Jesus told us to teach all nations.  Effective teaching requires educational materials.  The AWN is heavily involved in publishing and distributing thousands of books, CD’s, and relevant teaching materials.


3311 Shell Road Hampton, VA 23661

Headquarters Office  Annie Ridgle Ministry for Ministry Info

Phone. 757-922-4088  Email -

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Annie Ridgle, Prophet Annie Ridgle, Apostle Annie Ridgle, Pastor Annie Ridgle, Seat of Grace, Prophetic Activation journal, prophet Hampton, prophet, ministry, pastor, training, supernatural, warfare, free deliverance, mentor annie ridgle, Hampton pastors, h church, prophetic church, prophetess annie ridgle, deliverance ministry, prophetic insight TV Show, Propheecy free, apostolic church, apostolic network, ministry Virginia, Prophet Virginia, Prophetic Church FL, church GA, atlanta, Church, newyork church, apostolic church virgnina,  international prophet, international missions, prophet annie ridgle, apostle virginia,

© 2018 by Digital Express. Annie Ridgle Ministry prophecy, prophetic, prophetess Atlanta Prophets, Talk Show, Media, Blog, Prophecy Ministry, famous Prophets, Hampton, NYC Prophetic, Free prophecy, Apostolic Coach, Apostolic Church, Apostolic mentor, apostolic training, school of apostles, apostle annie ridgle, prophet annie ridgle, tv show annie ridgle, annie ridgle, ann ridgle, California prophetic, bill hamon prophecy, 2017, author annie ridgle, book annie ridgle, church of god of prophecy, pastor annie ridgle, prophetic ministry Virginia beach, Newport news church, prophetess, school of spirit, ministry training, prophetic classes, ministry diploma, schhol of apostles, school of prophets, free mentor, free ministry, jesus, love, faith, hope, africa

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