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Get Activated, Equipped, via apostolic Mentoring

Is God speaking to you that you need a mentor?   
Do you have issues, decisions, uncertainties in your life that are crying out for counsel?  Whatever the circumstances God is at work around you and will make it clear whose paths cross for mentoring purposes.  The benefits are priceless.  Be alert and respond immediately.  Don’t wait!  
Sign Up Below
Apostolic Mentoring  with Ann 

Mentoring ARM Style


The base of our mentorship is based on Jesus’ ministry while on earth.  Mentoring is, at its core, helping a person make sense of his life.  In the Spiritual realm, mentoring helps a person make sense of his life as he lives under God.


The process that Jesus took His own 12 disciples through can be broken down into three phases to be more easily analyzed.  First Jesus merely gathered followers.  Eventually, the disciples were brought to the point where they needed to make a decision to continue following Jesus or not.  After that pivotal decision, Jesus began developing the disciples to do ministry on their own under His guidance.  Finally, upon Christ’s resurrection He initiated the third and final stage by commanding to the disciples to duplicate themselves.  The name for each stage being discussed is adapted from Bill Hull’s writing on disciple making.


Trusting a Mentor

Ann encourages an open mind in allowing God to lead in choosing a mentor.  God is perfect in His wisdom and will bring the people together that He desires in a mentor-mentee relationship.   Trust Him and be alert to God’s activity.  


ARM Mentoring is FREE, however to keep the ministry admin office and resources available we ask that all mentors partner with us monthly via electronic deductions or paypal

Financial Commitment Monthly Contribution $50____________$100_____$150______Own Amount______


Why be  Mentored?

Why Be Mentored?

It provides accountability:  today’s cultural environment provides many land mines and diversions.  It is not difficult for the enemy to attempt to derail someone who earnestly desires to deepen their relationship with God.  Consequently having a mentor accountability partner is an invaluable benefit for asking tough questions, heading off danger, and derailing diversions. Samuel and Saul (1 Sam. 9-15)


Available in times of crisis:  the Bible is clear that we will experience trials in our lives.  We do not know when, their nature, duration, or depth but they will come.  Mentors provide a tremendous benefit to those mentored as they experience trials in their lives.  Mentors help mentees understand God’s ways and purposes in difficult times; provide counsel and help to navigate through times of crisis; and provide comfort and stability from a trusted relationship. (Paul and Silas Acts 16)


Helps establish and achieve goals: mentees provide valuable advice and objective input as personal and spiritual goals are thought through and established.  Once established mentors can then help to monitor, suggest adjustments, and counsel along the way as needed.  The real benefit in these areas is helping ensure that the balance of personal and spiritual goals is appropriate, e.g. keeping God as the central focus and priority, ensuring that the mentees spiritual growth pattern is not disrupted by other pursuits.  (Paul and Timothy 1 & 2 Timothy)

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Sign Up Here - 3 Easy Steps
1.  Complete application current contact info
2.  Wait for phone interview with Ann
3.  Submit partnership donation $30-$50
4.  Relax, Prepare and for Destiny!
Ready to Start, Complete this Form

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City/State or Country

Current Ministry Affliation/Covering

I Agree with Mentoring Policies

Refrences (Name/Phone)

Short Bio About You

Way to Go, Your Destiny Awaits!


3311 Shell Road Hampton, VA 23661

Headquarters Office  Annie Ridgle Ministry for Ministry Info

Phone. 757-922-4088  Email -

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Annie Ridgle, Prophet Annie Ridgle, Apostle Annie Ridgle, Pastor Annie Ridgle, Seat of Grace, Prophetic Activation journal, prophet Hampton, prophet, ministry, pastor, training, supernatural, warfare, free deliverance, mentor annie ridgle, Hampton pastors, h church, prophetic church, prophetess annie ridgle, deliverance ministry, prophetic insight TV Show, Propheecy free, apostolic church, apostolic network, ministry Virginia, Prophet Virginia, Prophetic Church FL, church GA, atlanta, Church, newyork church, apostolic church virgnina,  international prophet, international missions, prophet annie ridgle, apostle virginia,

© 2018 by Digital Express. Annie Ridgle Ministry prophecy, prophetic, prophetess Atlanta Prophets, Talk Show, Media, Blog, Prophecy Ministry, famous Prophets, Hampton, NYC Prophetic, Free prophecy, Apostolic Coach, Apostolic Church, Apostolic mentor, apostolic training, school of apostles, apostle annie ridgle, prophet annie ridgle, tv show annie ridgle, annie ridgle, ann ridgle, California prophetic, bill hamon prophecy, 2017, author annie ridgle, book annie ridgle, church of god of prophecy, pastor annie ridgle, prophetic ministry Virginia beach, Newport news church, prophetess, school of spirit, ministry training, prophetic classes, ministry diploma, schhol of apostles, school of prophets, free mentor, free ministry, jesus, love, faith, hope, africa

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